Thursday, April 28, 2011

MTM jr April Scores !

This challenge was to dress preppy! Here are the scores out of 20:

Bipasha2: 11
sourapple3000: 15
erin13224: 13
starsyd3333: 13
Miley_Rock_312: 13
merimonkey: 15
DawnLissyloulou: 10
juicy-much: 14
.Bla.Bla.Bla: 6
xxcaoimhezoexx: 13
musicqueenxx2: 15
blingjane: 17

Now since this was the only challenge we had time for the only thing left to add is the points people received from participating in both challenges last month. So this is the final score board:

Bipasha2: 11
sourapple3000: 18
erin13224: 16
starsyd3333: 13
Miley_Rock_312: 13
merimonkey: 15
DawnLissyloulou: 10
juicy-much: 14
.Bla.Bla.Bla: 6
xxcaoimhezoexx: 13
musicqueenxx2: 18
blingjane: 20

 And the winner is? blingjane!  Congratulations! You are MTM jr April! You will be a judge for next month and receive 25 stardollars! (please contact me about you prize)

Since there was only 1 challenge this month no one will have points from this month. This means everyone will start off with a clean slate for May! I hope to have 3 challenges in May so be on the lookout!

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