Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MTM jr February scores & Winner!

Here are the scores for MTM jr challenge 2 (out of 20 points):

JosephinaA: 11
khushbu: 13
Musicqueenxx2: 11
prima.princess:  20 (A perfect score!)
Miley_Rock_312:  8
DawnlLissyloulou: 9
Erin13224: 13
vanillalime27: 16
xxcaoimhezoexx: 16
Liljj123: 13
Pauo-Watson: 19
sourapple3000: 16
bonniew111: 11

And here are the total scores for the month:

Sary.Babyface: 16
Miley_Rock_312: 21
Vanillalime27: 35
Erin13224: 29
IrishLily09: 12
Sourapple3000: 33
DawnLissyloulou: 19
Pauo-Watson: 40
Liljj123: 27
Xxcaoimhezoexx: 29
JosephinaA: 22
Musicqueenxx2: 11
Princesspea105: 14
Prima.princess: 37
Khushbu: 21
alexotsiaki: 13
bonniew111: 13
Iovanca: 2

And the winner with a total of 40 points is Pauo-Watson


You win 25 stardollars (contact me)
And a judging position for the next month!

And as always of the people who participated in both challenges 10% of your score will be carried on to the next moth, so here is the beginning scoreboard for March:
JosephinaA: 2
khushbu: 2
prima.princess:  4
Miley_Rock_312: 2
DawnlLissyloulou: 2
Erin13224: 3
vanillalime27: 4
xxcaoimhezoexx: 3

Liljj123: 3

sourapple3000: 3

MTM jr March will begin soon!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Pauo-Watson! Omg! A perfect score. :] Thank you!!! ^^
